How to apply
Vilnius County Court is applying a “one-stop shop” personal service system. Everyone who applies to the Court is received and served only through the Court Office located on the ground floor near the main entrance from Gedimino avenue (through the entrance from Vasario 16-osios street one can get only to courtrooms).
We kindly ask all persons who wish to submit to the Court claims, applications, appeals and other documents, to apply to the Court Office which will accepted documents and submitted them by relation to case files, to offices of court divisions, judges, etc.
We also kindly ask those persons who want to get a necessary document from the Court (copies of decisions and judgments or other documents) to apply to the staff of the Court Office (at the counter). You need to tell them what document you need and an employee of this Office will submit it to you no later than within three hours (where it is not possible to submit a document straight away due to the need to certify its copies, due to judges being busy at court hearings, etc.).
We also kindly ask persons who wish to get access to case files of cases which are being heard or have been heard or to other documents to apply only to the Court Office. Its staff will organize everything in accordance to an established procedure for you to get access to the documents – they will find requested case files or documents, will escort you to premises aimed for this purpose, etc.
At your convenience, documents can also be submitted to the Court after the working hours and during the lunch break.
Notice to the participants to proceedings
Participants to the proceedings of cases heard by the county court as well as persons who have participated in cases already dealt with have the right to access data collected in case files having agreed on the date and time in advance.
In order to avoid queues and waste of time (where due to objective reasons there is no possibility to provide a person with the requested case file upon his/her arrival), participants to proceedings, at their own convenience, have a possibility to order date and time in advance under telephone (8 5) 268 8037 or by sending a request via e-mail [email protected]. When making an order, you need to indicate your full name, the case (name of an accused person, category of a civil case, etc.), your procedural status (claimant, defendant, accused person, aggrieved person, etc.), the date and time when you want to arrive and your contact telephone number.
On mutually agreed time, the case file will be brought in advance to a premise aimed for getting access to data collected in case files. Having arrived at the Court and informed an employee of the Court Office about this, you will be provided with the case file straight away.
If you want to listen to audio recordings of court hearings (only in civil cases), we kindly ask you to register in advance under telephone +870668355.
We invite you to save your time and use the possibility to get access to data collected in case files ordering it in advance.
Receipt of documents in the Court Office
On Mondays - Thursdays – 8.00-12.00, 13.00-17.00.
On Fridays – 8.00-13.00, 13.45-15.45.
The Court Office also provides persons with information about all cases being heard at this Court, the time and place (courtrooms) of hearings, the procedure for reception of persons established in the Court and other information which is relevant to persons who arrive to the Court.
Persons with personal issues are received every week by:
Chairman of the Court – on Mondays between 10-11 am.
Chairman of the Civil Division – on Tuesdays between 13-14 am.
Chairman of the Criminal Division – on Thursdays between 11-12 am.
Prior registration is necessary.
Vilnius Regional Court provides services to persons and receives documents at the Document Reception Office every working day (entrance from Gedimino Avenue or Vasario 16-osios Street):
Monday to Thursday - 8.00-17.00
Friday - 8.00-15.45
Persons may also lodge procedural documents, applications or complaints before the opening hours of the Court on working days from 7.00 a.m. or during the lunch break from 12.00 p.m. to 12.45 p.m.
The Court also receives applications and complaints from pre-registered persons. To register an application or complaint, please call +370 706 68 369 or email
On the eve of a public holiday, the working day is shortened by 1 hour.
Information in Lithuanian
Tel. +370 706 68 369. Information provided by Violeta Žukauskienė, Head of the Document Reception and Information Office, and Romutė Snitkutė, Senior Specialist of the Document Reception and Information Office.
Information in English
Tel. +370 706 68 364. Information provided by Renata Strakšienė, Senior Specialist at the Document Reception and Information Office
Non-procedural requests and complaints in writing may be submitted:
- In Lithuanian and English;
- by appearing directly before Vilnius Regional Court;
- by post: Gedimino pr. 40, LT-01501 Vilnius;
- by e-mail:;
- via the National Information System for Electronic Delivery of Parcels over the Postal Network (E-delivery) Electronic delivery box information:
Name - Vilnius Regional Court;
box address - 193312970.